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Good Alternative
Review by Jason T /
(Posted on 12/13/2022)
Better than the standard cummerbund that comes with the Spitfire; pretty thin for mounting anything heavy but great for carabiners, cable management or lighter items such as TQ's.
High Quality and Extremely Modular
Review by Justin O /
(Posted on 9/1/2021)
High Quality and Extremely Modular. Price could be better, I feel like it's a little on the high side, but the quality is amazing.
Well-made cummerbund
Review by Han Yang C /
(Posted on 3/25/2021)
Nothing notable to mention here, just a very well made cummerbund.
Works great with Ferro Slickster
Review by Brian K /
(Posted on 6/23/2020)
Wanted a useful, yet minimalist cummerbund for my new Slickster PC. This fits perfectly! I am 5’11 165 pounds but this could easily be adjusted to fit someone almost twice my weight. Highly recommended.