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Love it
Review by Becker L /
(Posted on 7/9/2024)
Bad ass bag
Top notch pack
Review by Ian S /
(Posted on 3/25/2024)
Cheaper than mystery ranch but high quality and comparable or better setup to one a similar size. Holds plenty of equipment and is comfortable. Difficult to run the hip support strap through its slot but it's doable. Very happy and would love to have my full kit decked out with direct action gear.
Top notch pack
Review by Ian S /
(Posted on 3/25/2024)
Cheaper than mystery ranch but high quality and comparable or better setup to one a similar size. Holds plenty of equipment and is comfortable. Difficult to run the hip support strap through its slot but it's doable. Very happy and would love to have my full kit decked out with direct action gear.
Great Gear Bag
Review by OLIVER R /
(Posted on 12/5/2023)
Awesome bag. Used as a secondary gear/ helmet bag. The narrow factor allows a stacking approach for my additional gear including drone equipment, jackets, and a ballistic helmet. The large molle field on the three sides allows me to add additional pouches as time goes on. The quality of the material and laser cut molle is better than I expected it to be.
Thank you!
Review by Patricia F /
(Posted on 8/2/2022)
High quality, durable, versatile, and comfortable right out of the package.
Solid, durable and effective assault pack
Review by Cameron B /
(Posted on 7/25/2022)
As a big supporter and user of Direct Action's Dragon Egg, I quickly picked up the Halifax when it was released in Ranger Green. My primary use for this pack was as a patrol pack on both mechanized and dismounted operations in heavily rural (forests, swamps) environments. I would pack only mission essential kit - including radio(s), spare batteries, spare barrels and ammo. It often had enough extra space for a rain jacket, extra socks, and a warm-puffy. After almost 2 months of heavy use on exercise, the Halifax's strengths are it's large amount of storage (40L), durable and tight to the body design and modular selections (I attached 2x Utility Pouches XLARGE to the front). Though great is almost all aspects of tactical use, the most significant issue I found with this pack it's interference in adopting a prone firing position with a helmet (note*** my country's issued helmet is quite large compared to "higher speed" helmets). The Halifax sits high on the back, which though good for weight distribution and mobility, causes some issues when trying to take up a firing position in the prone with the pack on. The easy solution was to loosen the straps, dropping the pack enough to raise your head and then tighten once on the move again. Fine when you have time, a bit of a pain when in an engagement needing fire and movement. Other than that, the Halifax is a great pack. I would highly recommend it as an urban or built up area pack and/or as someone who needs to carry additional kit. Thanks Direct Action for the great pack!
Comfortable, Light, and Versatile
Review by Justin O /
(Posted on 9/15/2021)
I initially bought this from Amazon to use for hiking. It is very light weight and probably the most comfortable backpack I've ever owned. I will use it for shorter hikes and bow hunting, I really like the full molle panel on the back and strap loops where I can attach my bow to the back. It also allows me to zip the additional back panel pack in case I need to carry more, and even use the smaller pack as a day pack or for scouting around after setting up camp. This is a great backpack for hiking, hunting and camping as it's just enough room for everything and expandable for winter months if you need to carry more clothing. Compared to other packs I've tried and really didn't like much such as Eberlestock, this is half the weight of comparable sized packs and the quality is just as good. Definitely recommend this if you want to remain light but have a strong/sturdy pack that will stand up to the elements and abuse of the woods.
Review by Steven C /
(Posted on 6/25/2021)
As an owner of several Direct Action backpacks, chest rigs and plate carriers I expected the same level of quality when I ordered the new Halifax backpack and I was right. This pack is very comfortable under load and small enough to bring on aircraft. I prefer this pack over my more expensive "M" Ranch pack due to the available pockets and comfort it provides.